Once a beginning birder has become comfortable with field guides, and with optical aids to assist in identifying birds, it is probably time to become aware of all the organizations around them filled with like-minded individuals. Organizations of all scale exist, with local level organizations like the Virginia Beach chapter of the National Audubon Society, to statewide resources like the Virginia Society of Ornithology, and all the way up to those that oversee all birding & bird information in North America (American Birding Association & American Ornithologists' Union). Of course, it is prudent to start at the local level, and to expand upward as your interest and/or skill increases. Local birding clubs offer up a vast wealth of knowledge that will likely have the most impact on you. As one becomes comfortable with local birds, it makes sense to expand to the state-level, and national levels though. Here is a listing of organizations dedicated to birds & birding, and are worth looking into for further information. Most of these have great resources available on their websites as well:
Virginia Beach Audubon Society